mardi 24 septembre 2013



There are some things that you can do only from the command line, even in Windows. Some of these tools do not have a graphic equalizer, and is characterized by these tools use more quickly than their own graphical interfaces.
Can not possibly cover all the useful commands that can be used in the command prompt or PowerShell. But the focus will be on the commands that should be useful even if you do not know anything about the command line.

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ipconfig - to find your IP address quickly
But you find your IP address through the " Control Panel " or some reality, but this takes the number of clicks. Ipconfig command a quick way to determine the IP address of your computer and other information , such as the title " gateway default " " default gateway " - useful if you want to know the IP address of a router to get to know the web interface of its own.
To use it , just type ipconfig at the command prompt window . You'll see a list of all network connections on your computer . Search within the Wireless LAN adapter if you are connected to Wi-Fi , or Ethernet adapte if the you are connected to a wired network ( Local Area Connection ) .

ipconfig / flushdns - to clear the cache of your DNS resolver
Your computer system keeps caching DNS resolver that stores the IP address of the DNS name attached to the frequently used ( Internet URLs , which are essentially the same thing). This enables the system to bring your web pages and frequently accessed quickly, without the need to consult the first of a series of DNS servers on the Internet to see what is associated with the IP address to gain access to the page .
However, and in some cases may arise amendments to the servers may not be able to visit the page or you may encounter a large number of error codes HTML 404, if you need to empty the cache system for your domain names , and to ensure that Windows addresses of DNS servers, new instead of using the old , run the command ipconfig / flushdns

ping, tracert - " to troubleshoot network connectivity problems "
If you are experiencing problems with the network connection , Windows and other operating systems have some standard tools that you can use to identify problems .
First, there are the ping command . Type ping, Windows will send packages to Google will respond and tell you that he had received them . You'll be able to see what if any did not send packets to to see if you are experiencing problems in communication .
There is also the tracert command , which tracks the path taken by the package to reach its destination . For example , run tracert you will see the path takes your package to reach Google. If you are having problems connecting to the web site , tracert can show you where the problem is occurring .

shutdown - " create shortcuts shutdown "
shutdown command is particularly useful in Windows 8 . You can use it to create your own shortcuts and put them in the Start screen or the desktop , allowing you to more easily shut down Windows without Find a mouse ( magic tape ) or log off first.
You can also use this command to restart your computer . In Windows 8 , you can even use a special switch to restart your computer to the list of advanced startup options .
Shutdown : shutdown / s / t 0
Restart "restart": shutdown / r / t 0

sfc / scannow-residents to the problems of system files
Windows includes the System File Checker tool that scans your system files and looking for problems. If the system files are missing or damaged, you will repairs "System File Checker." This may solve the problems with some Windows systems.
To use this tool, open a command prompt window as an administrator, and run the sfc / scannow.

netstat-an - list of network connections and ports
Netstat command is particularly useful, to display all types of network statistics when used with different options. One of the options the most interesting of the netstat-an netstat is which
Will display a list of all the open network connections and computers that are connected with your device, along with the port and IP address.

This is not a comprehensive list of all the commands that you may find useful, but we hope it has given you an idea of ​​some of the powerful tools lurking beneath the surface.
Vlins is not the only operating system where users can benefit from learning some of the commands. And do not forget to join us your views about Windows commands that you find useful.

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